
Hide and Seek: The Climb

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PSALM 119: 9-12

How can a young person stay on the path of purity?

By living according to your word.

I seek you with all my heart;

do not let me stray from your commands.

I have hidden your word in my heart

that I might not sin against you.

Praise be to you, LORD;

teach me your decrees.

Hide and Seek -- A children's game we have all played. The object is for the hider to remain unknown by the seeker as long as possible.

Seek and Hide -- (See above.) A young person's path to purity. The seeker desires to be known by God and hides the Word (the Bible) in their heart to keep them from sinning so they can get closer to God.

Are you playing children's games or are you on a young person's pursuit?

It's time to start reading God's Word like young people on a mission.

It was New Year's Eve going into 1982 when I, Keith, accepted Christ's death on the cross for my sins. I saw Christ as my Savior and prayed to live my life as a path to purity. I was 15. My Christian friends surrounded me with the Word. They bought me a Bible; they invited me to church and Bible studies. Interestingly enough, I never went to a youth group meeting. The challenge to hide God's Word in my heart came right from its printed pages and my friends. And now, 39 years later, I am still trying to Seek and Hide. Won't you join me?

Riverbend's youth group, The Climb, will start meeting again on Jan. 17, 2021. The Kaeppels have been quarantining since Holly was given a COVID-positive test result right after Christmas. Her symptoms have been mild the whole way through, praise God, but we want to do our part to stop the spread.

If you haven't done so already, start on the path to purity with The Bible-in-a-Year reading plan. Pastor Joe has separately challenged the whole church to carve out time to do the same. I really think the Holy Spirit is moving in our community to help us know God more in 2021.

Questions, comments, or you just want to chat, call Keith at 484-350-1780 or Holly at 610-751-3759.